Friday, May 18, 2012

I've been the busiest since the summer holidays started hence the lack of updates.
I've also been running on too little sleep everyday,
but it's cool because at least I've been busy doing productive stuffs.

The best I can remember of last week would be the two massive baking sessions,
Nicolette's 21st at Sumkee and Mandarin Orchard,
and Laura's dance recital.
But of course, meet up with FACT, Jiayi and Wenyao too.

This week has been just as busy because I had a lunch catch-up almost every other day.
Significantly, I went back to JJ on Wednesday,
I miss the YTF and 5 for 1$ too much.

If I must list the ones I caught up with:
1. Esther and Michelle to discuss small group matters on Monday
2. Zijie for movie marathon and stay over on Monday
3. Alastair, Glenn, Salad for Captains' ball and Avengers on Tuesday
4. S28 girls for supper on Tuesday
5. More baking at Yaanmeng's, midnight visit and mid-week catch up with Yiling on Wednesday
6. Lunch and a movie with Jacob this afternoon
7. Korean bbq buffet to celebrate Zijie's birthday this evening

And a lot of random survey meetings here and there because it's my job now,
and two korean dramas completed in a week.
I like how I'm really stretching my time doing things I like now,
despite that I've come to the realisation on how broke I'm becoming too.
Not funny.

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